CitraZoy Zoysiagrass -fine bladed

CitraZoy is a New, Finer-bladed Grass Option for Florida Lawns

CitraZoy® Zoysiagrass is a newly commercially released zoysiagrass from the University of Florida. The variety is a finer-bladed zoysiagrass than other Florida grass variety options.

EMPIRE® Zoysia, one of the most common types of zoysiagrasses in Florida has a bigger, wider blade that is quite different from CitraZoy.

Dr. Kevin Kenworthy, a professor of Grass Breeding and Genetics in the Agronomy Department at the University of Florida has been working with the variety since 2007. He explains the leaf texture and blade of this variety is different than others in the Florida market.

“It’s not as fine as the zoysiagrasses that people will associate for use on golf courses as an intermediate leaf blade. It’s actually a hybrid between the really fine-zoysiagrasses and the coarser zoysiagrasses,” Kenworthy said. “I consider it to be a new product and will provide an entirely new look for landscapes in the state of Florida.”

Kenworthy goes on to describe CitraZoy to have a manicured, attractive look without inputs other superfine zoysiagrasses require. Due to it not needing to be mowed as short as those varieties, he said the manicured lawn look comes easier for homeowners to accomplish.

“You won’t have the disease issues. CitraZoy won’t be as dense and it won’t have the thatch build-up that you’ll have with a superfine zoysia, so it’ll just be easier to maintain and keep looking attractive year-round,” Kenworthy added.

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