Developed in Florida by

University Of Florida Logo White

The University of Florida has commercially released FAES 1307 as CitraZoy. In turn, Sod Solutions is making licensing for CitraZoy available to the 20 TPF members who funded the TRF Zoysia research. These 20 farms have the right to license and secure plant stock for this new, improved zoysiagrass for Florida.

Inaugurated in 2012, TRF Zoysia is a collaborative research funding and development program between 20 participating sod farms, the Turf Producers of Florida, the University of Florida, and Sod Solutions.


CitraZoy® Zoysiagrass is a patented and trademarked product of Sod Solutions, Inc.

Why Choose CitraZoy® Zoysia?

Characteristic Icon Color 300x300
Better Winter Color and Earlier Spring Green-up
Characteristic Icon Disease 300x300
Improved Disease Resistance
Characteristic Icon Drought 300x300
Improved Drought Resistance
Characteristic Icon Weed 300x300
Medium-Fine Bladed

CitraZoy® Zoysiagrass is a patented and trademarked product of Sod Solutions, Inc.

Related Articles

Keep up to date with CitraZoy in Turf Talk, a blog for the professionals in the turfgrass industry.

About Sod Solutions Pro

Our consulting services include: sod and installation specification writing and review, grass selection, planting method (sod, sprigs, seed), and product sourcing. Some information about the grass types and planting methods is available for review below the form, but be sure to contact our team for the best advice for your specific project, soil type, and use case.