Innovation Zoysiagrass Delivers Cold Tolerance & Improved Turfgrass Quality
InnovationTM Zoysia is a fine-textured, cold-tolerant zoysiagrass hybrid co-developed by Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Dallas, TX, and the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan, KS. An interspecific hybrid developed from a cross between Cavalier (Z. matrella) and a Chinese Common variety (Z. japonica), Innovation was released in 2018 as an improved alternative to Meyer zoysiagrass.
Meyer zoysiagrass was released in 1952 and is still widely used in the transition zone due, in large part, to its excellent cold hardiness. However, as good as Meyer is, it has limitations, including a medium-coarse leaf texture and inferior density compared to zoysia matrella-type cultivars.
Pictured above from left to right: Meyer Zoysia and Innovation Zosyia. Notice the stark difference in color, density and texture.
Innovation delivers the desired turfgrass quality of a Z. matrella, but with good cold hardiness comparable with Meyer. Based upon the results from research, Innovation can be used as far north as Zone 6a on the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map.
To learn more about Innovation, read Innovation Zoysiagrass: A New High Quality Variety from Texas A&M and Kansas State.
To request a personalized, virtual lunch and learn about Innovation and other improved turfgrasses, click here.